Sunday, February 3, 2008

The journey of awakening

I chose awakening to love and joy as the title of my blog because it is the shortest summary of my purpose in being on the planet. I am awakening to love and joy through the full expression of my creative gifts (visual, verbal, written). All my dreams for life come from that core purpose. Art in its various forms has been a powerful (but not the only) channel of that awakening for me--music, painting, sculpture, dance, poetry, ritual and more. There is only THIS moment and art has a way of keeping us in it and transforming our experience. As a painter and sculptor, I have noticed the 2-way street of creation. I create it and it creates me.
Conversation and words do the same. What we say and commit to shapes our lives and experience follows. Listening to others share is a powerful gift we give each other. I will be sharing my poems, reflections, small sketches and paintings, and I look forward to our conversations.


Rachel said...

Hi Dad -

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!


Hedianna said...

Nicely said! - The comment "I create it and it creates me" resonnates with a quote I have been pondering quite a bit lately: "creator and created give rise to each other"; - don't know if it was Meister Eckhart or Teilhard de Chardin, but over the last few months I too have become ever more aware of this simultaneous 'creating and being created', this sacred dance of giving my gifts and becoming who I am through that giving, in this symbiotic process we call Life.