Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Loving Land

I honored the call to go out today and paint my responses to the land. Prairie Spirit is a feast of the senses. This 200 acre land trust of prairie and woods south of Verona is my favorite place to meditate with color in hand. Timeless oak savannahs continue to inspire paintings in all seasons. The noble songs of the birds and locusts sweeten the symphony. Pastel was my choice this time, but the oils were in the back seat just in case.

This land sings its own notes.
Taking time to listen is the rare move
for many of us.
The cool blue haze on the distant trees
invites my attention and devotion.
Laying down initial colors set in motion
the alchemy of hand and sight with
land and light.
These colors are earth gathered into sensuous sticks
that ignite the music of my heart and soul.
What newness is being born between this earth
in my hand and that which I see
radiating beauty
and singing with abandon?
love, and sharing
the beauty and mystery that sustains us.